
Tamara Dixon, RN, BSN
Michelle Hernandez, RN
FJH Clinic Phone Number 281-996-6218 
FJH Fax Number 281-996-6262 / 281-482-0147

Student Illness Policy

What are the differences between a cold and the flu? 
Fever: With the flu, it is characteristic and comes suddenly; with a cold, it is rare. 
Headache: It's a prominent symptom of the flu but rare with a cold. 
General aches: With the flu, aches are usual and often severe; with a cold, they're slight. 
Fatigue: Extreme with the flu and can last 2-3 weeks; a cold leaves you mildly fatigued. 
Runny nose: Sometimes you'll have a runny nose with the flu, but it's common with a cold. 
Sore throat: Sometimes it accompanies the flu; it's common with a cold.  
Cough: It is common with the flu and can become severe; a cold brings a mild, hacking cough. What if my child can't play in PE due to illness/injury? 

If you feel your child can't fully participate in PE for 1-3 days, you should write a note explaining the reason. This note should be given to the PE COACHES. For a PE exemption that is to last more than 3 days, a note from the doctor is required and needs to be given to the NURSE. Please contact the clinic with any questions.